Doctoral school
Doctoral formation
The doctoral formation (recruitment, evaluation, representation at doctoral school level, etc.) is coordinated by a responsible for the doctoral specialty, Jesus Angulo. We supervise an average of 8 to 12 doctoral students. We also co-supervise doctoral students enrolled in other doctoral schools.
Our first-year doctoral students are evaluated at the level of the Mathematics and Systems Department of Mines ParisTech by an external jury for the validation of their first year of thesis. All our students present their work annually during the CMM doctoral days. We encourage our doctoral students to present the scientific contributions of their work in international conferences. The doctoral specialty "Mathematical morphology" is part of the thematic axis "Mathematics and systems" of the Doctoral School 621 ISMME Ingénierie des Systèmes, Matériaux, Mécanique, Energétique, integrated into the Collège Doctoral de l’Université PSL.
Franco-German doctoral college
In partnership with the University of Kaiserslautern and the Fraunhofer Institute (ITWM), MINES ParisTech has signed a framework agreement with the Franco-German University for the implementation of the Franco-German Doctoral College (C.D.F.A.). The Franco-German University (U.F.A.) is an institution created and funded equally by France and Germany. Since 1997, its main mission has been to encourage and participate in the financing of Franco-German courses in a wide variety of disciplines. The U.F.A. is heavily involved in training. It has more than 7,000 students, spread over a vast network of 186 higher education establishments, mainly French and German. The U.F.A. has also research and development mission. It supports the establishment of joint programs and projects in the field of doctoral training and the networking of young researchers. The objective of the C.D.F.A. is to offer doctoral students structured doctoral training between France and Germany. The emphasis is on supporting the mobility of doctoral students. The Franco-German doctoral college which unites our two institutions specializes in "Mathematical image processing". The Center for Mathematical Morphology and the Technische Universität of Kaiserslautern are partners and organize joint actions:
- internships between 3 and 6 months for 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students. These opportunities add an international dimension to their doctoral career and give rise to new joint publications.
- workshops, bringing together teacher and researchers. Excellent research teams in applied mathematics and in the field of image processing, both on the French side and on the German side, can therefore exchange for the implementation of promising projects and on joint publications on the occasion of international congresses.
- October 5-6, 2020, Videoconference
- October 21-22, 2019, Kaiserslautern, Germany
- November 12-13, 2018, Fontainebleau, France
- November 29-30, 2016, Kaiserslautern, Germany
- October 7-8, 2015, Fontainebleau, France
- October 6-10, 2014, Kaiserslautern, Germany