9 décembre 2024

The proceedings of the 14th international conference on “Continuum Models and Discrete Systems” (CMDS14) that has just been published contains contributions submitted by participants to the conference that was jointly organized by the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) and Mines Paris PSL, and held in Paris, France on June 26–30, 2023. The workshop was sponsored by the Mécamat association, Mines Paris and CNAM. During the symposium, hosted at CNAM, next to Clément Ader’s “aéroplane no 3”, 69 talks and lectures were held and 10 posters were presented. A broad range of topics were covered in the fields of mathematics, theoretical and applied mechanics, physics and engineering with sessions devoted to: homogenization theories, morphological modeling of microstructures, image analysis for material science, porous media, computational methods in mechanics and change of scales, multiphysics coupling, metamaterials, generalized continua, damage, plasticity and architectured materials.

The international scientific committee was composed by Profs.

Swantje Bargmann(University of Wuppertal, Germany)
David Bergman (Tel Aviv University, Israel),
Laurence Brassart (University of Oxford, UK)
Bikask Chakrabarti (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, India)
Andrej Cherkaev (University of Utah, USA)
Justin Dirrenberger (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)
Samuel Forest (Mines Paris, France)
Lori Graham-Brady (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Dominique Jeulin, (Mines Paris, France)
Djimédo Kondo (Sorbonne Université,France)
Graeme Milton (University of Utah, USA)
Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Natasha Movchan (University of Liverpool, UK)
Martin Ostoja-Starzewski (University of Illinois, USA)
François Willot (Mines Paris, France).

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